St Joseph’s Church
Holy Trinity House, 15 Marian Gardens BR1 3FH

St Swithun’s Church
Fashoda Road, Bromley BR2 9RE

020 8402 0459 /


Join us as we enter the season of Lent. View our poster of dates and times for Ash Wednesday Masses, Stations of the Cross, Lent Talks sessions, and Lent Reconciliation.

St Joseph’s Catholic primary school

A welcoming and inclusive school on Plaistow Lane in Bromley

Find out more about St Joseph’s Primary Catholic School

Mass times

Monday–Saturday: 10am at St Joseph’s (St Swithun’s: 10am, Monday only)

Saturday vigil: 6pm (St Joseph’s)

Sunday: 8am, 9.15am, 11am and 5pm at St Joseph’s; 10am at St Swithun’s

Family Mass on Sundays at 9.15 am

2 March Children’s Liturgy
9 March Children’s Liturgy
16 March Uniform Groups
30 March Children’s Liturgy

Click here for full Mass times, including details of Masses involving children of the Parish and Children's Liturgy of the Word.


Parish database

All parishioners are kindly asked to register their details by clicking on the 'Church Suite' logo below and follow guidance notes. The new database will create smoother communications within the Parish and will eventually facilitate a more personal and interactive involvement with Parish life.

Parish locations

Supporting our parish

There are a number of ways in which you can support financially the work we do in our Parish of Saints Joseph and Swithun.

Click on the image below

Archbishop John’s video messages

SSJS on X [Twitter]

The World Day of Prayer take places at St Joseph’s Church on Friday 7th March, 10.30am. Refreshments after. All welcome. This year the service has been prepared by the Christian women of the Cook ...Islands. The Mayor and Mayoress of Bromley and some Councillors will be attending.

The next Seniors’ Lunch will be held on Tuesday 18th February from 12 noon to 1.30pm in Holy Trinity House. Please let the parish office know if you would like to attend.

Family Masses on Sundays at 9.15 am:
16 February – Uniform Groups
23 February – Children’s Liturgy
2 March – Children’s Liturgy

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