SS Joseph’s and Swithun is a friendly and welcoming parish. We believe that first impressions are very important and our welcomers are there to reinforce that by greeting all those who come to our church for weekend Masses. Our welcomers also hand out the weekly parish newsletter as people arrive and are a source of information about the parish to new parishioners and visitors. Welcomers aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass begins and stay for 10 to 15 minutes afterwards to tidy up Mass books, etc, and help deal with any issues or questions that anyone wishes to raise as they leave the church. We always need new welcomers – training takes the form of welcoming with others until you feel confident.
Contact: For further information or to register your interest in becoming a Welcomer, please contact Jennifer Franks: jennifercfranks@talktalk.net or 07779 726653
Altar servers
Servers can be boys or girls from the age of seven who have received their First Holy Communion.
Contact: Deacon Aidan McPartlan for training at aidanmcpartlan@rcaos.org.uk; Stephanie Stoner at sheilsteph2@yahoo.com
Children’s Liturgy Of The Word
During 9.15am Mass, children are invited to attend a children’s liturgy session in the adjacent hall. The children hear today’s bible readings and discuss at a level suitable to their age. It is a brilliant resource for our children who learn and benefit so much in each session. As Catholics, we want our children to learn about God and grow in His love and instil our Christian values.
Children’s Liturgy of The Word sessions are run by parents from our parish a few times each month for about 25 minutes for children aged between 3–7 years (up to Year 2). This is not a closed group – all children in this age group in the Church are welcome to attend.
Contact: If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Niru Xavier at niru_120@hotmail.com.
Parish Music Ministry
9.15am Sunday Mass: If you enjoy singing or can play a musical instrument, we would like to hear from you. The group meets on Fridays, 7.30-9pm, in the Upper Room at St Joseph’s. Our repertoire is mainly modern – usually taken from Music for Mass, but also including music from Taizé, St Louis Jesuits and Songs of the Spirit. Singers and musicians of all ages are welcome – children must be accompanied by an adult on practice nights.
Contact: If you would like to join the Folk Choir as a musician or singer, please come along to one of our practice sessions or speak to one of the choir members after 9.15am Mass any Sunday. Contact Stephanie Stoner on sheilsteph2@yahoo.com.
11am Sunday Mass: The choir meets in St Joseph’s church on Thursday evenings 6.45-7.30 for a
rehearsal as well as at 10.30 am for a brief rehearsal before Mass. It is not necessary to be able to
read music to sing in the choir – you just have to enjoy singing.
Contact: Charles Rudge at charlesrudge@aol.com
5pm Sunday Mass: This group meets at 4.30pm on Sundays to rehearse for the 5pm Mass. You do not have to come every week, but are welcome to join us when you can. Everyone can have an input into the choice of music and songs that we use. If you enjoy singing or playing a musical instrument, get in touch.
Contact: Jennifer Franks at jennifercfranks@talktalk.net
On special occasions, the choirs join together to sing.
Lay Ministers of the Eucharist
These men and women assist the priest to distribute Holy Communion to the faithful at all Masses on Sundays and weekdays. They also take the Blessed Sacrament to the sick and housebound in the local hospitals and nursing homes. Ministers are required to reaffirm their Ministry each year and are also invited to attend an annual reflection day. If you feel called to this Ministry, please complete the registration form for this purpose available in the Church foyer.
Contact: A member of the Pastoral Team or the parish Office. For the Eucharistic Ministers rotas, please email Susan Stead at susistead@gmail.com
Readers do not need to be professional speakers. They need to have a love for the scriptures and be willing to share the Word of God, in a clear voice through the microphone. They must also be willing to be committed to a regular timetable and the training days that are offered annually. The readers rota provides for one or two readers to share the readings at each of the Sunday, Christmas and Holy Week and Easter Masses.
Contact: A member of the Pastoral Team or the parish Office. For the Eucharistic Ministers rotas, please email Susan Stead at susistead@gmail.com