St Joseph’s Church
Holy Trinity House, 15 Marian Gardens BR1 3FH

St Swithun’s Church
Fashoda Road, Bromley BR2 9RE

020 8402 0459 /

‘It is important that parents assist their child in preparation for the First Holy Communion’


It was delightful to see last weekend the children for next year’s First Holy Communion enrolled into their preparation during the Holy Mass in the presence of the parishioners.

I wish to congratulate them and their parents for presenting them to the parish for this special journey to receive First Holy Communion.

May I request all the parents to accompany them in this preparation to receive Jesus in the First Holy Communion in the coming year.

The First Holy Communion preparation, among various things, is a unique way of helping our children to become more aware of the spiritual richness and beauty of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Mass. During this preparation period, children will understand the importance of expressing reverence and acknowledge appreciation towards the Holy Eucharist.

The methodology of learning about Holy Mass with their friends will help them to understand more about it and to enjoy attending Mass with the wider parish community.

Therefore it is important that parents provide the opportunity for your child to attend Mass every weekend in the Parish to see and enjoy the beauty of Holy Mass which they may struggle to comprehend at the First Holy Communion session. Indeed as part of your commitment, parents are requested to attend the weekend Mass on every weekend in the parish with your child.

Parents can significantly assist your child in his/her preparation for the First Holy Communion in the following ways.

A parent may dedicate each day five to seven minutes to sit with your child in saying together the prayers they learn at the sessions.

Similarly you may chat with your child after each session about what they have learned from the session they attended.

Whenever we gather to celebrate Mass, we gather with Christ in His single sacrifice as we hear in Hebrews 10:11-14, 18. The communal celebration of the Eucharist increases in us a sense of adherence to the believing community, the parish.

The unexpected arrival of Covid 19 or many other factors probably disconnected some of us or our friends from the usual way of looking at faith, or from ‘Sunday in the church’. Let our witness be an inspiration and invitation for many to renew the faith.