St Joseph’s Church
Holy Trinity House, 15 Marian Gardens BR1 3FH

St Swithun’s Church
Fashoda Road, Bromley BR2 9RE

020 8402 0459 /

Our Parish

Parish Mission Logo

  • A Vision for a Full Parish Life
  • Mission Prayer
  • The Parish Pastoral Council
  • Faith Formation
  • A Sense of Belonging in the Community
  • Service to the Parish
  • Shared Leadership


A vision for a full parish life

The aim of our Parish is to encourage and renew our Parish Community in their faith, enabling us to reach out to the wider community.

We have developed a shared vision for SS Joseph & Swithun’s Parish, acknowledging the variety of interests, ages and spiritual needs among parishioners, helping the parish come together in unity and mission.

The Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) was established in 2008 and is made up of 12 representatives from the community who participate in the life and worship of the parish.

Prayer is central to the life and work of the group as the source of inspiration and vision. The PPC encourages the shared responsibility of all the faithful in the life and mission of the Church, enabling others to use their gifts in the service of God to build the parish into a vibrant Christian community that promotes gospel values of love, justice and peace.

The PPC has been consulting the Parish on how we understand:

  • Our Identity ­– Who we are
  • Our Purpose – The Mission of the Church
  • Our Function – The way we work together

Faith formation

Jesus himself has said: “I must proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God… because this is what I was sent to do.” (Luke 4:43)

Faith Formation involves us in proclaiming the Gospel, the Kerygma, the core revelation of Christianity, and providing opportunities for life-long learning by:

  • Exploring how to flourish in a Christian Community
  • Building confident relationships based on truth and trust
  • Reflecting on life’s lessons along the way
  • Discovering new possibilities.

This involves all people – those brought up as Catholics, those who are returning to the Church and new seekers coming to faith as adults or young people.

At SS Joseph & Swithun, we offer:

  • Preaching – Mass and other occasions
  • Catechesis for adults ­– RCIA ­­– Journey in Faith; The Wednesday World
  • Learning at the time of Sacraments – Baptism; Confirmation; Holy Communion; Reconciliation; Marriage; Children’s Liturgy; Formation for Catechists of all ages; Ministers of the Word; and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
  • Living Faith/Sharing Faith – Parish retreats; Praying with scripture (Lectio Divina); Nurturing vocations; Home is a holy place; Taize prayer; Eucharistic Adoration; Opportunities for young people to pray

The weekly celebration of the Sunday Eucharist by the community is central to our faith as Catholic Christians. It is the source and summit of our Christian life.

A sense of belonging in the community

“The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul… everything they owned was held in common.” (Acts 4:32)

Welcoming one another and forging friendships in the parish is integral to our Christian faith experience. A sense of belonging is essential to build up dynamic Christian communities that are characterised by hospitality, evangelisation and service.

Koinonia is the word used in scripture to describe a sense of community. This fullness of harmony forms bonds of solidarity within families, neighbourhoods, the local community, nature and the environment, with other Christians and with Parishes of the Deanery, Archdiocese and Worldwide Church.

Service to the parish

Jesus said: “I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you. In all truth I tell you, no servant is greater than his master.” (John 13:15-16)

The Gospel calls us to share the blessings of our time, talents and treasures, for the service of the whole community. We value the generous gift of all who answer this call.

Based on the belief that every baptised person is gifted and called to ministry, we need to be aware of our active responsibility in the Church’s life. Parishioners are invited, encouraged and challenged to take up their responsibility and use these God-given gifts for the building of the community of faith in service of parish life.

See the Church Groups section of our website for ways you can get involved in our parish – your community.

Shared leadership

Jesus said: “I shall no longer call you servant… I call you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father.” (John 15:15)

A dynamic Christian Community is one in which the complementary and diverse ministries and gifts of all the members of Christ’s body work together in a spirit of unity, love and communion.

The Parish can participate more fully in Christ’s mission in the world by offering a genuine forum for reflection on the pastoral concerns, hopes and ideas of parishioners.