St Joseph’s Church
Holy Trinity House, 15 Marian Gardens BR1 3FH

St Swithun’s Church
Fashoda Road, Bromley BR2 9RE

020 8402 0459 /

Sermons on Newsletter reflections

Modes of Encounter with Christ in his people.

For the next few weeks I will be sharing my reflections on the various ways in which we meet Christ in the celebration of Mass. Pope Benedict XVI has given us a truly memorable phrase: “There is nothing more beautiful than the encounter with Christ”. Specifically in the celebration of Mass we meet him in…

Discovering that you are Beloved

Can you recall the first time that someone said the following words to you: “I love you?” “You are beloved of someone and you matter”? Henri Nouwen speaks of our growth as persons as a process of “becoming the beloved”. For him, all true love is rooted in the one who is LOVE. God who…

Building a Civilisation of Love

St. Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday claimed the space in the heart of Christians this year. Valentine’s Day has been claimed by market forces. For us, it emphasises the central importance of authentic self giving love in our lives. Both Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday claim the symbol of the human heart as the seat…