St Joseph’s Church
Holy Trinity House, 15 Marian Gardens BR1 3FH

St Swithun’s Church
Fashoda Road, Bromley BR2 9RE

020 8402 0459 /




During the month of November, the Church traditionally remembers those whom God has called through death to eternal life. This month of remembering, we have All Saints, All Souls, Memorial Mass and Remembrance Sunday etc. to draw on our memories of our beloved departed to keep their memories alive and, by bringing them to mind, we too can somehow keep their presence in our lives.

Fr Peter’s message

Dear Parishioners & Friends of SS Joseph & Swithun,  It is lovely that at long last we are able to open the church doors again and I am able to greet parishioners as they enter for private prayer. As you know, Parish Masses must now be celebrated by the priest alone, without servers, readers or choirs.…

Homily – Fr. Cyril Elkington

My dear friends in Christ. I count it a great honour to have been invited by dear Father Cyril to preach the homily today. Not leaving anything to chance he prepared his obituary except of course the date of his death.  This is printed on the back of the Order of Service. “Remember me as…